We do things the right and sustainable way,
it’s in our fiber.
Innovation and sustainability to weave a better future!
At Carolina Performance, we are committed to sustainability in all our processes, actions, and decisions. We continually strive to minimize our environmental impact and make positive contributions to the environments and communities where we operate. Here’s how we do it:
We align ourselves with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), actively working to contribute to the eradication of poverty, gender equality, climate action, and creating a more sustainable world.
We support programs that promote education, health, and well-being in the communities where we operate. We collaborate with partners and suppliers who share our values to close the life cycle of our products, promoting the circular economy.

ESG = Environmental, Social & Governance
Sustainability actions and improvements related to the planet, such as the efficient use of resources and energy.
Clean water
and sanitation
Affordable and
clean energy
Industry, innovation
and infrastructure
Responsible consumption and production
Life on land
Social impact and community well-being, aiming to be a socially responsible company that supports the community.
No poverty
Good health and
Decent work
economic growth
This refers to the company’s internal governance, transparency, compliance, and ethical practices that support long-term significance and sustainability.
Peace, justice and
strong institutions
Grupo Carolina Since the Early Days
Our historical legacy began to be spun in the Viceregal era of New Spain, it was in the year 1622 with the construction of the aqueduct on the banks of the Lerma River; its construction helped transform the fall-force of water into clean and renewable energy to move the engine that the mills of “La Esperanza” needed.
The economic and technological development of the industry made the mills of New Spain the first textile facilities of Independent Mexico.
Sustainable History
Our textile and innovative history began to be woven on November 19, 1845, with the transformation of the “La Esperanza” mill into the “La Perla” textile factory, which started operating with 900 spindles, 65 workers, and using water power to move the textile machinery. During the Reforma War (La Guerra de la Reforma) in Mexico, “La Perla” changed its name to “La Reforma” seeking to support the country’s development during the times of President Juárez.
Sustainability Today
Sustainability Environmental Policy
We are a highly engineered, efficient and competitive technical textiles company. Distinguished for the social commitment and participation of our workers in the care and protection of the environment through the prevention of environmental risks and impacts. The environmental management system is essential to ensure regulatory compliance and continuous improvement.
Clean Water and Sanitation
Among the actions carried out at Carolina Performance for the sustainable management of water and sanitation for a better ecosystem are the following:
Optimal treatment of our textile wastewater.
Optimization of our wet processes (volume of water and quantity of chemicals).
Processing and transformation of our textile sludge into fertilizers.
Optimization of our closed water circuit for wet processes.
Research for the development of wetlands according to the ecosystem of the region of our production plant.
Affordable and non-Polluting Energy
We know that energy is the engine that drives the economy, but it is the main contributor to climate change, accounting for around 60% of all global greenhouse gas emissions.
That is why at Carolina Performance we are investing to achieve the transition to an affordable, reliable and sustainable energy system by investing in renewable energy resources, prioritizing high energy performance practices and adopting clean energy technologies and infrastructure to protect the natural ecosystems.
Among the actions carried out at Carolina Performance for affordable and non-polluting energy are the following:
Change of fuels: from fuel oil, diesel, and propane to natural gas; this change contributed to not emitting 342 tons of CO2/year.
•Reduction in the use of natural gas with the installation of the following technology
- Installation of our 240,000 ft² solar park for water heating.
- Installation of heat exchangers.
- Installation of absorption chillers (vapours).
These actions prevented 321 tons of CO2/year from being generated.
Between now and 2030, Carolina Performance will considerably increase the proportion of renewable energy in the set of energy sources, as it already contributes to the reduction of emissions into the atmosphere and generation of hazardous waste.
To date, the change of energy sources for clean, efficient and affordable alternatives has led to a reduction of 673 tons of CO2/year.
Responsible Production and Consumption
At Carolina Performance we always look for ways to find new solutions that offer sustainable consumption and production methods.
We know the environmental and social effects of our products and services, both the life cycles of our products and the way in which they are affected by their use in lifestyles. That is why we are always innovating our products, which include materials with lower environmental impact, but we also seek to improve our processes to reduce negative effects on the environment and increasing the well-being of the ecosystem.
Our goals in this regard:
Reduce waste
Seek suppliers with sustainable mindsets
These is why we focused on the implementation of ISO-14000.
Within these goals we avoid the use and entry into our processes of single-use
plastics such as styrofoam and straws, among others, and this we will extend
to our collaborators, clients and suppliers.
Among the actions of responsible production is the implementation
of Scrubber technology for washing gases from our processes, thus caring for the environment,
specifically the air, worker safety and increased production.
We stock up of raw sustainable materials from companies that share the same values of sustainability and care for the environment that we do. We do this in order to build a better future together. All of our processes, starting from spinning, include envinronmentally friendly materials.

Our pillar of responsible production and consumption is focused on achieving sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources, which is why we are:
Managing chemicals and all waste throughout their life cycle in an environmentally sound manner, in accordance with agreed international frameworks, and significantly reducing their release to the atmosphere, water and land in order to minimize the adverse effects on human health and the environment.
Considerably reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse activities.
Implementing sustainable practices and incorporating sustainability information into our sustainability reports.
Sustainability Plan
2023 – 2030
At Carolina Performance, sustainability and the correct use of natural resources (raw materials and energy), as well as the use of new renewable energy sources with a view to reducing environmental pollution and being a more sustainable company, is in our fiber.
Our medium and long-term vision should be the manufacturing and marketing of innovative products, maintaining our quality standards, but above all, being more efficient and sustainable in our processes. Reducing the generation of contaminants in their different types and adopting the culture of the circular economy.
Future Sustainability Plan
Certify our Environmental Management System according to the criteria established in the ISO 14001 standard.
Obtaining the “Clean Industry” environmental certificate granted by the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection.
Implement our Energy Management System according to the requirements established in the ISO 50001 standard.
Issuance of a sustainability report issued by an inspection and certification team.
Design and implement a circular economy culture in our organization.
Sustainability through time
At Carolina Performance we manage our relationships with people in the most humane and ethical way, both inside and outside the company.
It is in these interpersonal relationships where we include fair labor practices, diversity and inclusion, safety, health at work, commitment to local communities and other relevant social issues that benefit our collaborators and the community.
No poverty
At Carolina Performance, we are committed to making a difference not only in protective textiles, but also in protecting the lives of the people and communities around us, it is for them that, through the following actions, we contribute to ending the poverty:

Creation of decent
We are aware that, through the creation of decent jobs, the payment of fair wages, safe working conditions and professional development opportunities, we directly contribute to reducing poverty by improving the income of employees and their families so that they have a better quality of life.

Support for local communities
Through our corporate social responsibility programs, we are supporting to improve living conditions in our surroundings.

Promotion of ethical
supply chains
We are committed to working with suppliers who share our values of environmental car, labor justice and respect for human rights, ensuring fair prices and working conditions for collaborators.
By adopting these practices and commitments at Carolina Performance, we contribute significantly to the fight against poverty, strengthening our relationships with stakeholders and promoting long-term sustainable development.
Health & Well-being
“Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being
for everyone at all ages”
Carolina Performance knows that to achieve sustainable development it is essential to guarantee a healthy life and promote well-being for all, which is why we implement the following actions:

Promotion of healthy lifestyles
We implement internal programs that promote healthy lifestyles among our collaborators, such as awareness campaigns about nutrition, physical exercise, stress management and healthy habits in general.

Safe and Healthy Working Conditions
Carolina Performance ensures that its facilities and production processes meet appropriate occupational health and safety standards.
We provide personal protective equipment, workplace safety training, and ensure work areas are safe and free of health risks.

Use of safe and
sustainable materials
We select materials so that our products are safe for the health of consumers and the environment.

Participation in community health initiatives
At Carolina Performance we know that to achieve sustainable development it is essential to guarantee a healthy life and promote well-being for all.
Gender equality
At Carolina Performance, gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but the necessary foundation to achieve a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. That is why we promote pay equity, equitable representation at all levels of the organization, and policies that support work-life balance.
In addition, the organizational culture prohibits all types of discrimination, violence and all types of harmful practices against all our collaborators.
On the other hand, we know that it is important to encourage and ensure the full and effective participation of women, as well as equal leadership opportunities at all levels within our organization.
Decent work and economic growth
To weave the future of Carolina Performance we replicate what we know how to do best, which is weaving. We weave our future with capabilities, infrastructure and alliances to improve sustainable growth of the region; as a result, we obtained the National Technology and Innovation Award in the Prototype category, 19th edition in 2018.

Since 1845, Carolina Performance has been an important part of the development and growth of the region, promoting inclusive, sustainable industrialization with innovation.

The factory managers promoted the artistic organization of the workers; they created a wind band, a mariachi, a jazz band and a party space called “Las Canchas.” With discretion, they invited Jesuit priests to form workers’ study circles, who promoted the creation of savings banks.
Governance and Corporate Institutionalization
Today, we can tell a great story of almost two centuries where the company has been passed down from generation to generation, remaining a family business, growing and improving its operations and the quality of life of its employees.
With the great structure and institutionalization, we have been able to transcend over time and will continue to be a reference as a high-engineering technical textile company in Mexico and other countries. All of this is possible thanks to our excellent corporate governance and good practices.
Our governance plan to remain as a sustainable company is aligned with the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Specifically, in the area of governance, we have adopted two sustainable development goals as pillars of our institutionalization:

- Peace, justice, and strong institutions.
- Partnerships for the goals.
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Over the past few decades at Carolina Performance,
we have improved many of our processes and worked hard to institutionalize the company and create processes, positions, tools, and audits (internal and external) that allow us to be a responsible company, offering our employees fair and well-paid jobs to improve their quality of life. We strive to be a solid and transcendental institution that will continue to grow over the years and be a national and global reference with the goal of being a sustainable company.
“We do things the right way, it’s in our fiber.”
From the way we manufacture our products to the way we fulfill our tax obligations in the countries where we operate, at Carolina Performance, we wake up every morning thinking about how we can improve our processes.
As we mentioned in our storytelling, at Carolina Performance, we have a corporate culture of continuous improvement, transparency, and open doors for our employees, shareholders, business partners, customers, and government institutions.
Business Structure
Carolina Performance continuously reviews its business structure to define the future of its products and how to group them into its product divisions:
Partnerships for the Goals
Within our institution, we firmly believe in strategic partnerships with national and international business partners, research centers, universities, strategic customers, and auditing and control bodies.
Our main focus is business-to-business (B2B), so these partnerships are part of our corporate DNA and have always helped us grow and continue our international expansion.
As a highly technological company, we have research
and development teams that engage with researchers, chambers, and councils to develop better products, always thinking about the well-being of end-users and direct customers and achieving the highest quality in our product development and final products.